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Antivirals what types


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My experience so far with these is during my first episode was to take aclivor (may have spelt that wrong) 200mg 5 times a day, to get it under control. Then a second episode few weeks ago I did another 5 day treatment.



Ive heard there is a tablet that you just take once a day rather than 5 a day. Is this just a more expensive drug or is this the suppressive treatment when you aren having an episode, and is a smaller dose or something.


im currently in peru where meds are cheap, so plan on stocking up, as can imagine my next destination new zealand being expensive.


If there is a more expensive but better (I.e. I dont need to take one 5 times a day) then id like to get some before I leave in 36 hours.


Anyhelp much appreciated as always.



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Theres a glitch in the system - ignore the error and check your feed - the post should have shown up


You want to ask for Valtrex - most take 1 500 mg tablet/day ... perhaps 2 during an OB. It is definitely much more expensive here :(


the reason you were told 5x/day with acyclovir was likely because you had an OB ... most of the time they prescribe 2x/day for acyclovir for supressive therapy.

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