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really wondering if there was foul play

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Ok I have a bizarre question. Let me first go into detail with the story... ok I work in a medical building and it just so happens the obgyn is in there too. And let me tell you, this is not what I call an amazing practice. The girls there are very catty, petty, and immature. They are always arguing with each other, stealing labs from the medicall assistants so they get in trouble for loosing the patients lab work. Ok so on January 30th I got my early pap smear done, got tested, of course not for hsv because you can really only ever know through an outbreak. Well in the meantime my coworker told me that she had herpes. So in March I started getting the symptoms of hsv. And then on March 17th I was diagnosed.... do you think they may have used a dirty instrument on me??? I trust my bf 100% and really don't think he chested on me. But I went 3 years without sex and I get it after a year with my bf. Again I trust my bf that he didn't cheat on me. It's just really odd that I had an ob a month after I got my pap smear

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So did your BF ever get tested? I don't recall you saying he followed up with a test - just that he was ok with your situation. There's a VERY GOOD chance he could be carrying it asymptomatically and not know he has it. 80% of people with Herpes don't know they have it.... or YOU could have carried it all that time too... were you blood tested at the time? If you were and you came up H+ in a blood test, odds are you've had it at least 3 months.


Could they have used a contaminated instrument? Possibly I guess.... but where are your OB's? I would think they would be internal if you got it from a speculum. Was the speculum in a sealed bag - that is how they are sterilized ....


At this point though you couldn't prove anything ... and in the end, you may just have to accept you have it and you don't know where you got it :(



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He has gotten a sore since I was tested so we saw no ppint since it's pretty much h confirmed. I never got a blood test for it. My antibiodies were off a year ago but they never knew why they did realize it was a little off because I was exposed to Lymes just never had it. Ugh I just wish I could know where and when.

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