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Advice for newbie

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I was diagnosed with genital herpes type 1 about two months ago (blood test and a swab). I never had blisters, only a redness/a rash on my backside which has long since gone away. Never had "flu-like symptoms," but the rash did hurt a lot.


My question now is - I've been having prodromal symptoms really every day since then. Sometimes tingling on buttocks our up penis, sometimes burning around anus, sometimes a mild pain almost like a prostate problem. It's not debilitating, just very annoying and a constant reminder. Questions:


1. Should I try to go on antiviral (I don't take anything) or is this just my body adjusting and I should let that happen? Is the tingling the virus getting stronger or my body fighting it?

2. Does this mean I'm constantly shedding? The only info I can find about prodromal symptoms is re: recurrences and as a warning sign for a new ob?


Thank so much for any help... this forum gives me much comfort.

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Sounds like your body is still adjusting to dealing with the virus. The decision to take anti-virals depends on a few factor:


1) are you in a relationship? If so, this is something to take up with your partner ... if they already have cold-sores they have *some* natural protection. But it's not total protection so you need to see how they feel about their risks.


2) How much the symptoms physically affect your life. If you can live with them, you may want to just ride it out and let your immune system do it's job. If it's keeping you from working, then you may need to consider going on them for a short while to help your body out.


3) How much the symptoms emotionally affect your life. Same with the above... it all depends on if it's keeping you from functioning in your life or not.


There's no way to know if/how much you are shedding - with OR without prodromes. Prodromes DO mean the virus is active so odds are you are shedding ... but you won't know how much...


Remember you are only 8 weeks or so in... usually things get better as time goes on and within a year things are usually a lot better ... so be patient with yourself and the process, ok?



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