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Men getting rejection by women.

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Hey everyone this is my first post and I am newly diagnosed with HSV2. I work at a bar part-time and am hit on regularly (tough life I know) but it's a constant reminder of having H. What are some rejection stories with men. There are so many female stories on this site. It also seems that men are more accepting than women of h. I am also terrified of giving it to someone who I love in the future. Feeling alone.

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Look at it this way, 25% of those woken have it too. Personally, I think it's probably higher than that because there are so many people who aren't regularly tested/think they've been tested and are asymptomatic. Anyway, there are plenty of women who won't care, especially if they know all the facts. If I knew all of the facts prior to having H, I probably wouldn't reject a guy as long as we took all of the precautions. Hell, I'd be more likely to get pregnant with typical use of birth control than to contract H :P

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Did you read the post by JessikaRabbit where she just came out?




Or my "coming out" story?




Not that I am saying you should "come out". BUT, the more I see people who accept and OWN their situation, the more I realize that when you don't let other people's opinions of you run your life or affect how you feel about yourself, the less likely someone actually WILL judge you.


IE: If you believe and/or act like herpes is a "bad" or "embarrassing" thing, people will treat you accordingly. If you are armed with the facts, and know in your heart that you are still an amazing person who, if anything, has a GREATER ability to have empathy and love for others, people will see you as a powerful example of what herpes really is... a nuisance skin condition in a really inconvenient place.


So - find your power with herpes and whatever happens, it won't affect you. ;)


Kirsty Spraggon Ted Talk “You are only as Sick as Your Secrets
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