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My second outbreak is terrifying me

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I was diagnosed with HSV 2 last year. I only had one outbreak until today. I woke up with what I thought was the flu..fever, body aches, and a bad cough. However, I realized that my aching was very prominent between my thighs..I decided to check for any blisters and to my surprise I found a blister. My only concern is if it spread to my respiratory tract..should I consult my obgyn? I have my famiclover but I don't know if anything else would be prescribed to me. Help!

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Hello and Welcome!


Well if you have had it that long, it's not likely that you have spread it to the throat - in fact, H2 doesn't like the mouth/oral area (only 1% of all oral herpes is HSV2) so it's very likely you have some kind of flu/cold (the cough is also a pretty good indication that it's not HSV related) and the HSV2 outbreak is happening because your body is weakened by the other things it's fighting.


I would double up on the famiclover for a few days and if you take anything else for viral/immune function (L-Lysine, etc) I'd double up on that too. Gargle with salt water for the throat.... give it a few days unless it's getting so uncomfortable that you need something stronger... and you can try the things in the links below to help the OB (outbreak) ... if you attack the OB on the inside AND the outside you can often knock it down pretty quickly :)










Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://tinyurl.com/pmosahc Link to Alum






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