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Last question for awhile.. don't want to be annoying..

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I couldn't figure out how to post pics so I uploaded it as my profile pic. This is my sons lip with a random bump that showed up. I am going to the doctor to test it but the doctor's at my clinic are all gone for the holidays. I just figured id ask because Im Nervous , I don't know of I should keep an eye on him around other children this Christmas or if I'm just being paranoid? Idk it would be nice to get someone else's opinion on it. And I'm hesitant about asking someone else..

Even if you do think it is please don't be scared to tell. I just want someone else's opinion. And a person's opinion who has it and/or knows more about it would feel helpful to me until our doctor comes back to test him..

Anyone want to take a guess of it is or not? Much appreciated, its my profile pic


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Right now it doesn't look like anything to me and I can tell you that a swab wouldn't detect anything as it is.... you need a full on lesion/blister so they can get fluid from it.


This is an image that shows a typical cold sore




Now ... *IF* he did end up having cold sores, he would be part of the 60% of kids who get it before adulthood ... so really - don't sweat it ... he's got far better odds of getting it from another kid than from you because you are aware that you may have it ... kids share things without thinking...so they spread it among themselves. :)


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