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Narcolepsy and H

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I know this is a stretch as only .05% of the population has narcolepsy, but if there are any fellow narcoleptics out there (or anyone who wants to take a stab at this), I was curious as to whether narcolepsy can affect H. I know that things such as lack of sleep can trigger OBs. I assume because lack of sleep weakens the immune system. And is this lack of sleep as in below the recommended nightly sleep (8-10 hours) or just not feeling rested? Because, believe me if you're not a narcoleptic, you NEVER feel rested lol.


I have narcolepsy with cataplexy, which is likely an autoimmune form of narcolepsy. So is my immune system likely compromised in general or is it only compromised in the fact that it destroys hypocretins? If it is the former, then it would make sense that someone who has narcolepsy with cataplexy would have more severe/frequent OBs. Personally, I think I have a mild case of H so far (knock on wood), but I tend to be the exception rather than the rule (I mean the odds of developing narcolepsy in itself is kind of rare lol :P).


I know that likely none of you are doctors specializing in narcolepsy, but I just wonder if maybe someone knows something about narcolepsy/autoimmune disorders and H.


Sorry - can't help you there - except that you mention that your autoimmune issue causes the narcolepsy ... so odds are that in itself won't won't cause a problem ... more likely the stress that the whole thing puts on your body will be what causes the OB's ...


Perhaps you can call your specialist who helped you with your diagnosis .... especially the autoimmune specialist ... he should have some better info for you about how the narcolepsy may affect herpes and visa versa :/




As far as I know, nacrolepsy is characterized by an autoimmune destruction of the hypocretin producing neurons, so your immune system is not compromised in general. But as WCSDancer2010 noted, it is highly recommended you contact your specialist who diagnosed you.

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