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when an illness is a part of your spiritual journey

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I've been snooping around here for almost 8 months now I was diagnosed with hsv2 back in late May im only 21. I'm so grateful for Adrial creating this site you're a beautiful soul! and everyone on this site it has helped me a lot !! And with a positive mindset I don't even think of H anymore, I disclosed recently for the first time and it went really well but it was funny because it was so hard for me to say it so he got it out of me himself LOL he was like you know you can tell me anything and nothing is gonna make me not like you I'm not going anywhere. I started tearing up I could not get the words out of my mouth lol so he just started going down the list he was like what could possibly be wrong ? You have gonorhea? I laughed and was like no it's something like that and he's like ok herpes ? And then that's when I explained to him that's it's just a pesky skin condition that rarely ever bothers me except for the fact that I have to have this conversation and he was totally excepting and understanding,, and he thanked me for telling him and said that he respected me even more and it showed how much respect and regard I had for him. He's so sweet and has been patient with me for 2 years , compassionate respectful and I know he will do anything for me. I just want you all to know that there's someone out there for you that is going to see every part of you and still love you unconditionally. But first you have to love yourself unconditionally , know and believe that you are so loved valued and purposed in this life and that you deserve the best! ONLY think thoughts of yourself that are powerful and have value, because each and everyone of us is here for a reason and have amazing gifts within us to share with the world and people that we will touch we just have to silence all the self limiting thoughts and find ourselves.. Having herpes at first really magnified everything I THOUGHT I should hate about myself and made me feel so worthless but I learned that what you think you create , it manifests into your reality ( the mind is powerful) you really have to change your perspective and be strong within yourself and love yourself because life only gets harder you just have to get stronger even besides H, Don't break. I read a quote that really resonated with me.


"when an illness is a part of your spiritual journey , no medical intervention can heal you until your spirit has begun to make the changes that the illness was designed to inspire -Caroline myss " WOW


Being diagnosed with H forced me to take a hard look at myself and how I need to respect myself and my body more.. everyone has secrets and if you don't trust a person enough to be vulnerable and tell them something and know that they will respect you and be compassionate why let him into your body ?!? Sex is a powerful exchange of energy and vulnerable connection you must be mindful of who you let in Know that you are deserving of someone who is patient , compassionate , respectful, understanding and unconditionally loving and you will find him/her one day but you should also feel that way about yourself :) don't be so hard on yourself shit happens , and with the rising number of teen pregnancies, and so many people just having babies out of no where it's obvious that people are not using condoms as they should.. I think everyone is bound to get H honestly it's like you either have a kid or H LOL. Kids are harder to deal with.

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