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Zovirax/acyclovir cream

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So even while on suppressive therapy I'm having outbreaks still and my doctor gave me a small tube of Zovirax cream to apply to the sores. Has anyone else ever used this cream? Does it help?


That was all that was available when I was first diagnosed... and as I recall it helped me a lot.


You may want to use some of the ideas we have in the links below... I would do what I could with things that will dry the area out most of the time, and use the ointment for things like work when you can't really keep it really dry by going commando/using hair drier/etc ;)







Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://tinyurl.com/pmosahc Link to Alum







http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/1624/herpes-medication-genital-hsv-1-how-to-keep-herpes-outbreaks-clean-dry#Item_22 My discussion amonium Alum)



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