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Newly diagnosed, question about herpes medications

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I was diagnosed with hsv2 at the end of November. My first outbreak lasted 2 weeks, the dr prescribed me 1 gram of valtrex twice a day for 10 days. After my follow up appointment, I had another prescription filled so I could have it on hand for next time. This prescription was for 1 gram 3x a day for 7 days. The dr told me to take it on the first onset of symptoms. Last week I started having prodrome symptoms- tingling, burning, & itching. I waited a day and the symptoms got worse. I started taking the valtrex but decided to take it 2x a day like my initial outbreak. My prodrome symptoms are gone and I never developed any blisters. My question is, can I stop taking the valtrex and save the rest of the pills for when I have another outbreak or should I continue taking them until the pills are gone? I'm still trying to figure all of this out. I didn't know if I needed to take the full prescription like I would an antibiotic or if I can save the other 10 pills for when I really need them. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Hello and Welcome!


Antivirals are not like antibiotics ... you don't *have* to finishe the script. I've had H for 35 yrs so my body doesn't need a lot of help to knock it back down.. I usually only take one or 2 double doses to get it to start going down and then my body takes over.


Seeing as you recently acquired it, it may take you longer on the meds. You will just have to play with it to find out what you need to knock it back down ... so you can try to come off them and see what happens. I personally would take half the dose for a day or so then drop down to 1 does ... then go off it so the body has time to step up as you scale down the meds this time... if that works, maybe drop off the meds faster next time.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just throwing this out there... When I feel "not quite right" like if I have any tingling or feeling particularly stressed or fatigued, I dump an emergen-c packet in some water and drink it. It could be just a mental thing but I sincerely feel better within a couple hours. My mindset is if I know that stress and fatigue (I'm a student) are potential triggers and I'm really having a rough day/week then I give my immune system a little boost just in case. So far it's worked out fine even if it is mind over matter!!!

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