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Hello Everyone This is Scary and New and I'm in Need of Support and Advice

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Hello Everyone,


I was recently diagnosed at the age of 21 with genital HSV 2 and my initial outbreak was excruciatingly painful and horrifying. This is all very new to me, and I'm trying to keep a positive outlook, but I am just really still in shock. There are moments that I forget, which I think is really good, but for the past month I've been extremely paranoid with everything, which has I think aggravated my condition. My long term boyfriend and I were really in the dark with this, and a lot of the information I have read so far from you all has been so helpful and I definitely feel much more relaxed!! But I realize this is a long term journey, and its nice to know that I can speak freely here, and get knowledge that I couldn't really find elsewhere. I am not sorry for being H+, because I know its not my fault, someone gave this to me, and I know that most likely whoever gave this to me probably didn't know they had it either. However, I would like some advice as to how I can reduce the amount of OB I've been having... I eat a very healthy diet and I keep myself clean and healthy. I was just recently put on Acyclovir and I don't feel like its been helping and I have some pretty nasty side effects. I've gotten two outbreaks within a month and I feel like another one is on the way. Are there other medications that I can take? Or are there certain tips and tricks I could do to help when I feel an outbreak coming? I appreciate any advice! :)


hey! I know how you feel I got it just this past year at 22 and it was so incredibly overwhelming and depressing. I take suppressive antivirals (wasnt sure if i got it from my boyfriend or not, but he got tested and his blood test was positive so I may stop), and vitamin c and lysine supplements. I only had the primary outbreak and havent had another one since (most likely from all the suppressive meds). I too eat well and exercise so honestly give your body time to learn to fight it. If you're already healthy then odds are you will be good at fighting it in the long run. The first couple months are a wild card of how often you will get outbreaks, but for now try out the vitamins,and just watch out for your stress levels! Theyre a huge cause of outbreaks from what ive seen on here. Best of luck, hope you find as much help from this site as the rest of us :)




Hello and Welcome!


So did your BF get tested? Useful to know his status too ;)


One of the most frequently used OTC supplements is L Lysine 1000mg/day ... many have great results with it. There's a TON of other things you can do and you just need to find what works for you...


The biggest thing is reducing stress (physical/emotional/dietary) ... because Herpes LOVES a stress party and will bring out all the fixins to keep it going. There's a lot of foods that *may* cause OB's.... so pay attention to what you are eating and your OB's. I'll post links below for ideas of what you can do to control OB.s... see what speaks to you and what you may already have handy and work from there...








Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://tinyurl.com/pmosahc Link to Alum










Thank you so much for the advice!! This was all very helpful. I did ask him to get tested for h, and he said he was negative, but I'm afraid that he may not have received the correct testing. He said that they did a physical exam, so I may have to get him re- examined.


I'd lay bets that he wastn't tested... he should be able to request a hard copy of all his test results ... which I twll people they should ALWAYS get for this reason... never, ever assume that everything you *think* you are being tested for has been run if you don't hear bad news back... always get a copy so you can actually SEE what was run and compare the results ;)

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