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Does this sound like herpes?

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I am wondering if I am having my first outbreak....I have had a positive blood test, but never an outbreak before. I have what looks like a pimple. It is red and swollen, but no white head, fluid, blister or sore like appearance. It is painful to the touch. Has anyone experienced this? I am going to the dr in a couple minutes, but just wondering...


As I recall you never got your lab results values and you haven't had an OB (at least not up until now). Until you get the lab results it's hard to help you... (if you gave them to us, remind me please). Remember, anything between 1.1 and 3.5 has a 40% risk of being false positive (we've had a number of people on here who, after we got them to do Western Blot, found out they were H- after being told they were H+ with a low + value).


What you are describing sounds to me like an ingrown hair ... but until you get those results that's just a guess...

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