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Info to prove that I won't pass herpes to my nephews?

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Hi all,


I'm currently visiting my sister and my two month old twin nephews. I disclosed to my sister that I had my first and only genital herpes outbreak over a year ago, and now she is concerned about me playing with the babies.


What information can I provide her to make her feel at ease, and to make me feel like I am not going to pass herpes on to my nephews.




Concerned Auntie

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As I posted in the PM you sent me:


Well, for one thing, if you have genital HSV2, you can't pass it by giving oral sex either, and it's very rare that someone would get it orally from you that way if they gave you oral ;)


As for your sister? Send her to my blog:




Remind her that you have GENITAL herpes. That genital herpes lives in the nerve ganglion of the area where you originally got it. That it doesn't travel through the blood. And that her kids are FAR more likely to get Oral HSV1 from their friends at school......


If she is still not convinced, have her contact me . I'll gladly answer any questions that she may have :)



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