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DRACO / Halford

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Hi all,


I know that we should not attach to the idea of vaccines/cures...but even if we don't get something in our near future wouldn't it be nice to change medical history for those who follow us and have H/Hepatitis/HIV, etc enter their lives? I spoke recently with the gentlemen who runs the DRACO fund, and is trying to help get larger animal studies started at the Draper Lab where DRACO is now housed. If we all pledge $10, it will get us there.


Also, I sent an email to the Gates Foundation asking them to help. $1 million is hardly anything to them, and they already support HPV in a big way. There's also Dr. Halford who wants to trial his live attenuated vaccine...I think a little time and a few less Starbuck's drinks for a month is well worth it. Just google DRACO fund, or look on Facebook.

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Also, I believe in supporting what Adrial is doing here. If you are interested, just email him and he can set up a way for you to make a small monthly donation from your credit card. Was really simple and easy, and sites like this take a lot of resources to keep up. My new goal is to post something positive on here every day, and really use it as an emotional cleanse. There are a lot of wonderful people here.

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Good points! We used to have a link here for people to donate (at my urging) but sadly even with me reminding people repeatedly that @Adrial does all of this out of his pocket (he makes some money with the courses he runs but it's nothing compared to the cost and time he puts into this site) he had very few responses. If this site has helped you in some way, it would be REALLY nice to send a small donation to help Adrial to keep building and improving what we are doing here. :)

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there is a lot going on in herpes research at the moment. several therapeutic or preventative vaccines are in ph 2 trial this year. a new form of a very potent antiviral is also in ph2 fast track trials ( has implications for smallpox and ebola) there actually is an international association of herpes doctors that meets annually in grand rapids Michigan and interestingly there is a believed link with chronic fatigue and the herpes family that is showing promise. I wish I had all the links I found from reputable sources. I had been looking up hsv2 and mono as my initial OB either : mimicked mono, concurrent with mono, or brought latent mono out of dormancy ( mono is a hsv, 4 or 6 cant remember and is latent for life with periods of possible resurgence AND transmission, seems an effective evolutionary path).


However, at 50 im not really worried about any cure or a preventative. im actually wanting a preventative more than a cure, as far as stigma goes and the discomfort of disclosure a preventative is the same thing and helps stop this thing.

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um, there is a link between chronic fatigue and the herpes family and the research into that may help. seems the constant firing of the immune system, while not on par with HIV can in some people lead to fatigue. there is a fair amount of research along that line as CFS affects a fair number of people and the bonus for those researchers would be something to help deal with the H family, imagine the greenbacks, they are.

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