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Lots of pain and itching still after 5 day of herpes medication

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I just found out that I have had herpes for a while (based on the blood tests) but either didn't recognize a prior outbreak or it was rather mild. I had my first diagnosed outbreak last week. Here is the timeline:3 weeks ago started having bad itching and pain. 1 week ago went to the doctor who gave me a 5 day scrip of Valtrex and lidocaine. Symptoms started to subside but after the 5 day script was up the symptoms seemed to flare up again and haven't subsided. Emailed doctor and he just said that since it was a severe outbreak that it would take time. This seems like way too long to have this much itching and pain. Is this normal?

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Hello and Welcome!


Thing is, everyone has a different experience with herpes ... and once the outbreak gets gets the upper hand it can be difficult to control, even with meds.


Best thing to do is attack it from the outside as well, and with diet. I have to keep this brief - (about to head out to work) but these links will help you with a lot of great ideas of what may work for you :)








Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://tinyurl.com/pmosahc Link to Alum




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