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Another herpes whitlow thread

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I've had HSV-2 (FINALLY went and had a type-specific test done lol) for at least 3.5 months. About an hour after sex, two of my fingers started tingling and aching - the ones that would be most likely exposed during clitoral stimulation. I don't believe I've ever had sores up by my clitoris, and I'm probably just being paranoid. The tips of my fingers do tingle occasionally because I don't have much feeling in them. I'm more concerned about the aching, but I doubt that symptoms would start within an hour, especially when I've had H for a few months.


I should mention that I may have been exposed to MRSA on my hands/fingers (one of my residents has it and dug her fingernails into my skin, breaking the skin/taking a small chunk out of my finger, no where close enough to be exposed to a potential sore, but that's another story lol), so I'm being treated for that. If I was infected with MRSA, that would explain the aching.


So what are the odds that I have autoinoculated/will eventually autoinoculate my fingers? I don't really masturbate and when I do, I usually have a square of tissue or something in between my skin to be on the safe side for now. I dont do that during sex obviously, but I have a relatively low sex drive, so it would only be a couple exposures a month (my poor boyfriend :( )

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