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Tested positive for herpes, but now I'm not?

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I had a small outbreak happen four days after I was with someone who has hsv 1 and may of had a coldsore coming on. I decided I would go to planned parenthood and get a culture done...the culture came back positive. I asked her for what type and they don't type them there. She told me they "assume it's type 2" anyways I waited until feb to get a blood test done to see if I would just come back positive type 1 or 2. And it came back negative for both. She said they tested for recent and past exposure. Before October I wasn't with anyone since maybe early July. And we had sex once. If I had the type 2 would it of shown on my results? How can I get a definitive diagnosis? Maybe I should of waited longer to get the blood test done?? Any suggestions on what I should do? I haven't had an outbreak since I know I must have at least type 1 I'm just confused here :/

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I suggest that you contact Westover Heights clinic. For one, it sounds like the people at your PP don't know what they are talking about ("assume it's type 2...??? WTF??? 50% of all genital cases are type 1 ... so to say that is idiotic and noone who knows their herpes stuff would test for "recent exposre" because that test is notoriously unreliable :/ )


By now you should have enough antibodies... so you may want to do the Western Blot through them ... they charge $5/min for the consult and someone said the test is $200, but it tests for 14 proteins (the regular blood test looks for just 1) so you should get a definite result back from that one ...


Westover Heights Clinic,http://westoverheights.com/ (503) 226-6678 .

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