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First herpes outbreak

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I'm going through my first out break, which has been a painful, emotional, mental roller coaster! I'm about 2 weeks in to it so most of the sores are healed I have a few that are in areas it's hard for them to dry out but I'm doing my best to stay positive through the horrible pain and discomfort. I have a pretty strong immune system so I usually never get sick but when I do I go the natural route with herbal teas, tinctures and oils. I'm on acyclovir for 10 days, after that I'm wanting to try approaching this naturally so my immune system can fight it without help from pharmaceuticals. Do any of you "veterans" have any experiences good and bad you can share about this?. I've been juicing a few times a day, using tea tree oil, corn starch to try to dry it out, soaking in Epsom salt baths and listening to positive music to keep my spirits up! I'm so ready for this first one to be over with! I'd greatly appreciate any and all advice :)

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