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@ beachdude, ive seen terri warrens quotes on hsv1/2. its more observational over the course of @ 30 years of dealing with herpes in one of the top sexual health clinics in the world. they are working on 2 different vaccines for H among other things. while I believe she never states its 100% its that they have never had a verifiable case where someone with established hsv2 has gone on to get hsv1. you alluded to something in one of your post that would make sense. looking at it evolutionarily ( thank god for spell check) H1 can and often does get transmitted earlier in life whereas H2 is in general sexually transmitted and therefore needs a sexually " mature" vector. so H1 runs into less individuals with H2 than the opposite, therefore H2 had an evolutionary need to overcome H1 but the opposite isn't necessarily true. its been shown that people who have established H1 when exposed to H2 tend to have a lessened initial OB and less subsequent OBs also. not 100% of course. however, IF lets say one partner has H2 and then performs oral sex on a partner with GH1 during an OB and the H2 partner has an open cut/canker sore or such, then who knows.

I have seen in multiple threads on medhelp, on westovers forums, etc where terri states its believes to be damned near 100% immunity to H1 for H2 carriers. I believe ive also read that H2 tends to be a more virulent virus than its sibling and elicits a greater immune response.


to add further, our support group just started back up and it used to be run by a long time nurse in the sexual health field and someone had her info from a couple years ago and it was in her notes the observation about H1/2 immunity. she left our area a couple of years ago but was really big in the herpes field from my understanding, went all over the country pushing for research, gathering resources etc.


whether there are people actually researching this im not sure, I know ive seen research on autoinoculation with rats but cant remember for this. not sure if its a good candidate for research, maybe a PHDs dissertation, if their university would even accept it.


I shall have to look it up.


I do not doubt Terri Warren for one second. She is recognized as one of the national leaders in the HSV field and she undoubtedly knows more than anyone on this forum. When I asked for peer-reviewed research (which I still haven't had time to look for yet), I was not questioning her expertise or observations, but wanted to see more comprehensive studies where the specific mechanics of the HSV-2 to HSV-1 immunity are examined in detail and the conclusions derived from such studies.


When you say HSV-2 has had an evolutionary need to "overcome" HSV-1, I'll assume you mean that HSV-2 has had to evolve to overcome human HSV-1 specific antibodies. That is a perfectly logical conclusion given the near unviseral human infection rates of HSV-1. I would still like to read any published research regarding the subject, if any exists.

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@ wcsdancer and fitgirl remember fen-fen? they really got that one wrong didn't they!


Yep, sure do. I can't remember who manufactured fen-fen, but I do know that a judgement was found against GSK in 2010 or 2011 that was the largest judgement ever rewarded against a pharmaceutical company (neighborhood of ten billion if memory serves correctly). I can't remember the class of drugs concerned, but falsifying clinical trial data and under-reporting side effects were listed among the charges. This is what I try to tell conspiracy theorists who believe big pharma withholds HSV drugs from market- pharmaceutical companies make money by bringing drugs TO market, not by keeping drugs off the market. The FDA is tediously slow, but if a drug is effective AND safe, it will make it's way to market somehow.

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@beachdude, yes they make their money off their drugs coming to market but who is to say a little lining of pockets to keep their competitors off the market doesn't happen? standard oil just look at how many responsible for the 2008 banking crash have high level jobs in the fed think they influence things for their "old" bosses? Look at NutraSweet, couldn't get approved when carter was pres, Reagan was elected and lo and behold appoints as head of the fda one of the top guys in that company and boom, approved! nevermind the side effects that have been reported for decades now. I drink 1 drink with aspartame and insta headache. I cant help but think that antiviral that had the "toxicity" concerns in ph 3 trials wasn't one of those, " keep our competitors at bay and we will donate heavily to your reelection fund" type of deals. 900x the normal does and it caused skin issues in monkeys?


a point of interest about the thinking of those in those positions. I remember in the 80s a herb coming out of Africa. it was used by the locals as an adulthood ritual, gave something like a 72 LSD type trip. funny thing about it, 1 dose and decades long addicts had no desire for their drugs anymore! yep. was being tested in Europe at the time. when asked about its use and testing here in " just say no" America, the FDA head at the time said, we don't think its right to give hallucinogenic drugs to people and we don't know the side effects! so, what about the side effects of being a heroin addict?


we have some jacked up thinking here, we have rigged systems for those that already have the money, they use influence and cash to keep the system in their favor. therer are no hank reardons in the industrial world. the companies that produce antivirals have an incentive to keep therapeutic vaccines off the market.

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Well I think we all hijacked this thread BUT I asked Terri warren she seems to think a therapeutic vaccine should be ready in 5 years. She is confident as along as no road blocks.


We can't anticipate what politics or economics will drive each hsv study. I am trying to do a lot of emotional work and get myself healthy physically so when something comes I will be ready. For now, everyone struggles to different degrees, often depending on other issues that are buried in te closet or how often and how severe the ob are.


Giving up is not an option for me although I have tried. I encourage everyone to embrace the opportunity that comes with acquiring this virus....the opportunity of emotional growth....although some days really suck, it's important we honour our life and not let this squash our spirit.


Just because we decide not to have sex doesn't mean we will always feel that way or just because we decide not to disclose doesnt mean we will never disclose. Those decisions may change...important to just keep stepping forward (an some times we stand still). Don't give up





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I want to acknowledge all the work YOU have done ... I've seen you go through soooo much ... you've had one of the hardest roads of anyone I have worked with and I have seen you grow soooo much! You were in the depths of so many challenges when you came here. You were even judged/attacked by someone on here .. yet you kept reaching out ... you kept pulling yourself back up ... you keep taking the experiences and what we are saying and you are growing and learning from it all. YOU, of all people, have had every reason to curl up and give up, and you haven't.....


My hat is off to you friend ... keep up the good work :)

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I think a lesson I can pass on is:


If u feel shit...let yourself feel shit....if you are angry, sad Etc feel it...everything about it. Through feeling u can get passed it. If u tuck it away and choose to ignore or bury it, it will affect your decisions and relationships and your enjoyment of life without you realizing.


Play in the shit and when you are ready, wash off and move forward.


Because you feel horrific today does not mean you will always feel that way. Because you are scared to disclose doesnt mean you will never disclose and because you are afraid to have sex doesn't mean you will always feel that way.


Projecting how you feel in the future may negatively impact your decisions today.


I am letting myself feel all the crap and one day I hope I will be done and be able to see the hope and light that I so crave.



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@ whitedaisies im glad to hear your doing well. what the heck was the original direction of the thread?? lol I would recommend for anyone out there to get into a local support group if one is available. we have both social and support gatherings and while I love you guys here, its hard to dance with you and I feel silly doing it in front of the computer.


as to this PITA virus, it can eff off, I gonna drink a beer if a wanna, eat something bad and not get sleep if it means having fun and herpes can suck it cause its MY life not herpes and im not gonna give up on something pleasurable because some damned single celled organisms says so.

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