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Horrible facts

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Its been a year i am married now got to know about having oral hsv type 1 but seems i was having it since 2012. Non of my ex has ever had it pretty sure about it. But somehow i got it. And timing couldnt have been better right after a year of my marriage. Though my husband seems to support me even besides the fact that i gave him too. Things are different he barely looks at me, doesnt talk to me. Even if i initiate nothing to talk about. Things have become so horrible and messy that even if you recover from the fact that you have H such situations dont let you forget it and haunt you.

I cant sleep cant work and somehow worried about my health more than ever. Even a small itch makes me think what not.

I appreciate him supporting me but what made it so difficult. I dont know and I am scared if this continues for long either me or him will give up. I love him and it breaks me to see him like this. I tried talking to him a lot of times but it seems he just acting out of obligation.

Plus my OB doesnt seem to go. No matter what my upper lip is swollen all the time. I am using Abreva to apply on the lips but as soon as i stop applying it. I get the dry lips and no matter what my upper lip is dry and swollen.

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I'm really sorry to hear that you guys are having a hard time... First of all, 80-90% of people acquire HSV1 oral... it's very very common and a lot of people don't know they have it. A lot of people get it as children from family members that don't know about viral shedding. Have you guys considered going to counselling or speaking to someone. I think the most important thing here will be to try to keep the lines of communication open. And are you sure the distance is from this diagnosis? Sometimes herpes has a way of shedding light on underlying issues with oneself and/or a relationship. I don't mean to imply anything, but I think that counselling might help you guys also dig into deeper issues that might be surfacing because of this recent revelation. No matter what, don't allow this diagnosis to get in the way of a fulfilling and happy life and marriage, after all, it's just a skin condition and a huge majority of people have it. You are no different than 80-90% of the population carrying this virus. Also, concerning the physical symptoms, you can try coconut oil to relieve the dryness. You can also take lysine supplements which has helped some on here. Worst case, you can ask your doc to give you some antivirals, at least to help ease any discomfort when you have outbreaks. Hopes this helps a bit. Go easy on yourself, and do what you can to get him to open up... you guys deserve to find happiness with one another again. Don't let this get between you. We are here if you need us.

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Thank you so much @PositivelyBeautiful that was really soothing i needed that. We decided to take a break spend some time apart. I dunno if it is good or bad or maybe we are just running from our problems. You are right there are some deeper issues that we had and this diagnosis made it very obvious.

I will initiate a talk about counselling. Lets see how it goes.

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@PositivelyBeautiful hit the nail on the head .... you BOTH need to get it that Oral HSV1 is probably the most common transmittable virus out there ... I got it when I was FOUR likely from some kid in Sunday School...LOL ...


And I also agree about counseling.... so I hope you manage to get him to go.


As for your lip - try the Oragel Single Dose - I find it completely knocks out anything I have in one vial - you are meant to throw it out after one use but I cover it with cling film and reapply the next day ...


And BTW, I'm willing to guess the reason you had your first OB after a year of marriage is that whatever else is going on was stressing you out then and that opened you up to an OB... which just exacerbated the problems .... so I hope you get it all sorted out.



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@WCSDancer2010 as you suggested I got oragel. I used the 1st dose on 14th followed by oragel moisturizer after 1.15 hr of applying it. There were scabs but they didnt seem to go. I took a days gap and used oragels second dose on 16th same procedure. But still somehow the dryness remains and looks like scab but they dont seem to go. I was using abreva earlier it didnt have much of an effect.

Is there any other reason that they are not going? Please suggest.

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Its been almost 2 months that my Oral OB has not fully recovered yet. I used oragel have been applying the moisturizer. The scabbing has gone But still theres some dryness and cracks left I am still using the oragel moisturizer.

Could there be any other reason for It not healing fully?


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I am still struggling with OB. Dryness on my lips is better but not completing gome, have noticed some sores inside my mouth on both the cheeks. Is that normal? They dont seem to go i have used 4 days course of valtrex.

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Most of the sores on the inside of the mouth are Canker sores - not caused by herpes though they seem to come up when your body is exhausted or out of balance (just like Herpes). So that's why the Valtrex isn't working ;)


Try swishing Salt Water and there are some OTC topical things for canker sores that you might try......



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