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So I've been waiting for the right moment to post again. So I can flow with my keyboard and come straight from the dome. Months ago (almost a year ago)everyone was saying it was gonna be ok you'll be fine and blah blah. I was like what kind of bs is that theres just no way that'll happen. But people this really is NO BIG DEAL, so why does everyone from Drs teachers and society make it one like the plague. Yes we know we don't sign up for it on the spot like shit yea gimme that shit but it's something that is hard to not pass on like germs if you don't know the precautions and it sucks so bad that it takes a diagnose to see that. You know I was hard on myself for that thinking of it like death but it's just the not knowing even when you do have it but show no trace of H. I just always thought omg if I ever heard those words I'd die just go straight ape shit on em. Like will I be able to wear this talk like this joke like that. But I so can its up to us to change this perspective one by one little by little. I know I'm not the only one obviously because as humans I guess we all think we have this super invincibility. As the diagnose let's take it one day at a time to get rid of this disease something we don't have a control of like the cold, allergies, migraines. It's something that will be on this Earth for who knows how long so those recently diagnosed know there is nothing to fear yes obs suck major but there's things now to help zap em quicker too. I mean there's support groups for everyone and everything out there so we know we're not all invincible to anything and we're not alone in lots of aspects. I mean we would of never known awesome people like WSC dancer or Adrial or any of theincredible sexy people that have helped me and the rest of the gang open up. I mean its also annoying when people post things about stds especially one like herpes so nonchalantly and ignorantly on FB Twitter and such. Like when Madonna kissed Drake on Coachella some douche was like oh you know he got herpes blah blah blah and it makes my stomach turn because it's like your ass has it not knowing but your sad ass wants to put someone on blast ok. But sometimes I dunno if it worth if saying things to aside other people loling and commenting it's just too much. And in comedy it made me sink in a little bit comedics leave not one thing out I mean that's what comedy is letting all the taboo in and bringing out laughs so im slowly laughing along with it because if we make it a big deal then everyone will and not everyone agrees but I for one will not take it personal. But herpes is something that happens and we weren't the first and suckily( I guess I just made that up hehe) won't be the last. One thing I need to let go is the past I need help on that because when I see pics and dates and shows from last year before I was diagnosed I always think damn I wish I could go back or why can't I go back to before this that part gets me a lot but not only because of herpes, but because my baby was so tiny n miss her being so wittle lol. But yea I just need to get over that fact because when I got dismissed with oral h I made no fuss and those crop of suckers suck just as bad ouch. And we can change unexpectedly for the good you think clearer and brighter. Rome was not built in one day. Not only H is for life but everything that happens is for life. Take it easy out there folk. We got this

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It really does cuz that's something you don't know how to react to something you don't think is real or would happen to us like everyone else once thought. Stigma does really play a big part but there is always a stigma for everything in this world and it gets old. But thank you tons again WCS thank you and I hear that she's already growing before my eyes and that alone makes me tear up I don't want her too but that's something I can't help either. :( you have a great day

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