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Miserable but coping

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Saturday I started to have a sore painful chafing feeling down there. I figured it was typical but didn't think anything of it. By Tuesday I noticed blisters developing on my vagina and by Thursday I was in pain, unable to walk or sleep or function without crying. I went to my doc and diagnosed me with a real bad outbreak of herpes.

The news hit me kinda hard but at the same time mentally, I am coping. I have a wonderful fiancé who has not been tested but is pretty sure he's the one who gave it to me. Honestly I think he is struggling with it more than me because he loves me and never wanted to subject me to this pain.

I myself am feeling far more concerned about surviving this outbreak. The pain is unbearable. I'm on so much medication I can't stand without puking or feeling dizzy like I'm about to pass out. I took the day off work today which I'm very thankful for because it allows me to take baths and stay as still as possible. However I'm scared to death to go back tomorrow because I can barely stand or move and my job requires me to be on my feet moving around constantly. I'm so scared and sick of crying. I know there is relief in my future but I don't know how much more I can physically take. I've learned that peeing in the bath tub so I'm submersed is the only way to keep me from screaming agonizing pain. However if I go to work tomorrow I will not have anywhere to do this.

Any advice or words of encouragement would really help right now.

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Hi love,


Sorry to hear how bad you are having it. :( I'm on my first outbreak too, and the nurse said I had a particularly nasty case! To be honest maybe you should take more time off work - I've taken the whole week off as I'm in agony. If that is not an option then take it verrry easy and try not to move around too much.


Lucas Paw Paw cream is great for sores, I've only just started using it today and wish I'd used it sooner as it works very fast. Coconut oil and tea tree oil is good too, apply it every hour if you can. Apparently sores can take up to 3 weeks to heal but we can get through this hun! The first outbreak is usually the worst one.


You're in my thoughts, hope you feel better soon.


Ella x

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Hello and Welcome!


Hope you are feeling better - I've been traveling so trying to catch up here and I'll come back to this, but I just want to give you these links with suggestions for things you can do to relieve the OB's





http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/6024/dealing-with-outbreaks#latest includes links below






Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://amzn.to/1CHUzZE Link to Alum


http://amzn.to/1F10r3V Fractionated Coconut Oil (no odor and doesnt stain )

http://bit.ly/zincsoap Zinc Soap with coconut oil






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