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Omg, people are just mean

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About 3 weeks ago I broke up with my boyfriend. This is the man I believe have me herpes. I haven't spoken with him since breaking up and I just got a text from a new number and he said that he told 19 of my facebook friends that I have it. Including my ex mother in law. I just don't understand how someone could be so vindictive and mean. Funny thing is we only dated for a month and I'm totally over him.

Advice from someone about how to process these emotions? When I read that text my heart started pounding Bc it startled me and now I'm just confused and a little anxious. I never once texted or wrote anything to him saying I have herpes, so he can't use that as proof.

Funny thing, I thought about it....most of my friends would probably be very supportive so maybe he is doing me a favor by getting that awkward disclosure out of the way haha.

Why are people so crazy? We dated for a friggin month and this is what I get?

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Well, for one thing, if you only dated a month, I wouldn't call him a BF ... he's just some guy that you were really into and he ended up showing his colors and you were lucky enough to get away from him before you were totally involved.


Did you call him or talk to him about having H? Or have you talked to anyone else? Sounds like it may not even be him who sent the text ... and if it is, well, there's yer H friend showing you what a jerk he was.... right?


It totally sucks to have someone act like that ... AND you have to know it's not at all about you and when you figure out who (if anyone) is telling people then that's just a really good sign that they aren't a friend (or that you were well off to get rid of him). And you are right.... if your friends really ARE your friends, they will support you and they won't care - so IF he's telling everyone, you will quickly be able to get rid of anyone who is toxic and not a REAL friend... and that is a good thing in the long run. As for the ex-MIL and anyone else, well, it's really none of their business and they should know that AND if it's brought up you can use that opportunity to educate them.


I'm 100% out and everyone in my circle accepts me and no one judges me for it. I find that if YOU are secure in your having H - the people around you will follow suit ... and those that don't?? Fuck 'em. Don't need haters, jerks, and judgers in your life... right? ESPECIALLY as at least 20% of them will have it and 80% will have Oral HSV1.... LOL


Check this girl out ... you will see that she really has taken being out full on and it's not hurting her one bit :)



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Oh I got H right after we started sleeping together. The reason I say I think he gave me it is he checked with the last girl he slept with and she had it. Not 100% for sure, but pretty good indicator.

Yeah, I believe he sent the text Bc when we broke up he sent some nasty texts to me that sound like this one sounds.

Ya boyfriend, guy I was seeing, whatever he was......apparently I'm so awesome and unforgettable that long after I'm gone he couldn't help but reach out and communicate, lmao. The joker in me wants to send him a text and be like 'aw sweetie I didn't realize how much you missed me until now!

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