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HSV1 symptoms

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Hi everyone, i want to ask some stupid questions about symptoms:


1.) If I am HSV1 positive and really reinfected HSV1 genitally,will I have some symptoms in genital area?


2.) It always have symptoms if Adult have primary infection of Oral HSV1?


3.) If I have OHSV1 primary infection within 3-4 months, can i have some symptoms if I have HSV1 reinfection in genital area because my immune system is not fully operational?


4.) In my case: http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/5551/many-questions-about-ghsv1#latest , i had fissures on my lip and it was the prodrome of cold sore. What is the opportunity of my boyfriend infected GHSV1 if he was HSV1 negative?


In my case, i don't know when my boyfriend had HSV1. May be he just have HSV1 within 3 months, or it was the primary infection by the oral sex. So the answers may make me know more about the timeframe of his infection.


I appreciate the work you guys do here. Thank you.

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1.) If I am HSV1 positive and really reinfected HSV1 genitally,will I have some symptoms in genital area?


Maybe - maybe not. Some do and some don't.... and there's no way to tell if you will or not... sorry.


2.) It always have symptoms if Adult have primary infection of Oral HSV1?


Nope - 80% of people with oral herpes - whether they got it as a kid or not - don't know they have it because they never have an OB


3.) If I have OHSV1 primary infection within 3-4 months, can i have some symptoms if I have HSV1 reinfection in genital area because my immune system is not fully operational?


Again - maybe, maybe not. Everyone reacts differently. Sorry that I can't give you a more clear answer but basically there isn't one :(


4.) In my case: http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/5551/many-questions-about-ghsv1#latest , i had fissures on my lip and it was the prodrome of cold sore. What is the opportunity of my boyfriend infected GHSV1 if he was HSV1 negative?


Well you said in the original post that he came up positive for HSV1 in a blood test. In which case he already has it....


If he didn't have it, there's about a 3-5% chance of you passing it on to him (OHSV1 sheds at about half the rate as GHSV2 ... but you really want to avoid oral sex if you have any possible prodromes/lesions because that's when it's shedding a lot....


If your BF came up with a positive blood test for HSV1 at the time that you thought you gave it to him, he already had the antibodies .. now it *may* be that he had it orally and then also got it genitally from the oral sex... it DOES occasionally happen ... OR he may have already had it there. And honey, odds are you will never know for sure ... so just love him and let him love you...ok???



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