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Suppressive Therapy

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After a discussion with another member here about suppressive therapy (FitGirl mentioned it has been a life changer for her) I thought I would throw out the question: What are the chances that taking low dose Acyclovir daily for suppressive therapy would eventually lead to building a tolerance/resistance to the drug like taking certain antibiotics does? I'm seriously considering going on suppressive therapy but the last thing I want is to build a tolerance to where I have no place to turn if the OBs start coming back, or a bad one hits.


If you are or have been on suppressive therapy, can you share your experience with me? The pros and cons? I take BP and cholesterol meds daily, so adding one more pill is not a big deal to me. Thank you in advance.

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Nope - doesn't work like Antibiotics ... for one thing, antibiotics are for Bacteria, which mutate quickly and thus adapt to be able to not be affected by antibiotics...


Anti-virals deal with viruses which don't mutate at anywhere near the same rate as bacteria ... Valtrex and the like have been around for 20+ years and (at least according to any medical info out there) there's no known resistance building to it...


Certainly if you want to try them to get the OB's back under control, it won't hurt and perhaps you can try to wean off after the body has a chance to recuperate and regain control :)

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