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HSV 1 genitally?!

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Ok so I'm confused need opinions I guess.

So I randomly started getting some bumps on my labia majora on the bottom toward my buttocks,

They didn't tingle,burn or anything. Of course I went to the dr. But my gynecologist is always so overbooked

I went to some random dr and she goes it looks like herpes and I've had cold sores as a child so it's whatever.

We did a blood test and no surprise it's positive got type 1.

But what's bothering me is that's the end of that.

All I got were my test results and I'm sitting here reading that Outbreaks for the first time are terrible?!

My don't burn, itch, burst, crust, or scab???

What's frustrating to me is this has been going on for almost a month now!

For every bump the heals a new one comes.

Like say I get happy that 5 are going away...

The next day I check and there's 5 new ones in new places??


I kind of want a second opinion?

Does this really sound like a HSV 1 genital OB?

Should I go see another dr?

Should I call and try to get some type of medicine for it to help this go away?


Any and all comments are very appreciated thanks guys


I should also mention they just look like razor burn bumps but I stopped shaving down there after this happened

Some stay red bumps and some get filled with white but like I said they never burst

They just end up going away

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I'd get it swabbed by a different doctor. Planned parenthood is great for that...if oyur blood test came up positive for type 1 then it could be from cold sores. If it's an initial outbreak of hsv2 it wouldnt show up yet on a blood test. So a swab test is definitely your best bet. hope that helps!

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I live in a really small town we don't have a planned parent hood here :( also confused because someone told me if you have type 1 and have had cold sores that you can't get it genitally too. I haven't had a cold sore since I was like 10. Even if I had the type 2 virus for years it wouldn't show up on a blood test?

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I am evidence that you can have type 1 as cold sores and get it genitally too. A lot of people (including Dr.s!) are misinformed.


I would suggest you get a swab test done on your bumps. You could very well have type 1 genitally as well as orally now, but a blood test will not tell you if have it just orally or both places. If it is herpes, talk to your Dr about going on an antiviral to lessen your symptoms. Usually outbreaks are the most common for the first year you have herpes genitally, then your body learns to deal with it and outbreaks become less and less.



Please, please, please don't talk yourself into assuming its not herpes. Your symptoms might not classic herpes symptoms, but neither are mine. My first (and luckily only) out break was literally three spots that were kind of itchy and looked like pimples. They didn't hurt, scab over, open up, etc. I was tempted to skip the Dr and just assume it was a one-time-random skin thing, but if I had I would have put someone I really care about at risk.

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Hello and Welcome!


Well, as mentioned, many people and doctors are woefully misinformed about Herpes.... so yes, you CAN get HSV1 in both places (the risk is just *lower* for those with Oral HSV1) ...




given that you know you have oral HSV1, without a swab, you won't know for sure if those lesions are Herpes or something else, so if you can find a PP (maybe in a nearby city ... most do walk-ins) or perhaps ask your Dr to do a swab to put your mind to rest, then you will have a better chance of getting a reasonably accurate result... (by that I mean, if they come up positive you know for sure ... negative swabs are a little more fickle because it could be that the swab just didn't catch the virus.... often because it's not at the right time or the person doing the swab doesn't get a good "catch".


If you go to another Dr in the area, make sure they are an OBGYN ... regular GPs's are usually out of date in their info :(



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