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Newly diagnosed with herpes and in a ton of pain :/

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Hi, everyone. I guess I'll start by saying that I just found out I have HSV2 on Monday morning. I've actually had it for about three months, but I had virtually no symptoms up until my first outbreak, which began three days ago. It's been pretty challenging for me to come to terms with this as I have always been very careful about the people I choose to engage with sexually, but I made a mistake one night three months ago, and now it seems I'll be paying for it for the rest of my life. It's funny how we think of ourselves as being invincible and assume that things like this will never happen to us. I am a 25 year old female and the outbreak has been extremely painful. The sores seem to keep growing every time I look at them and I've had little luck in easing the pain of them thus far. I have been trying tea tree oil, aloe vera and baking soda. Also, I've been taking Epsom salt baths everyday. How long does the first outbreak normally take to heal? I have already had to take two days off work and I really don't want to use up any more sick leave. I work in a very demanding career field and it's ben very painful for me to be at work, due to the fact that I can barely walk. And oh man, people let me tell you about the ITCHING! The itching is to the point of craziness. I can barely stand it!! I know it's really bad to itch because it could potentially irritate the sores and delay the healing process, but it's just killing me! It's quite embarrassing when I'm at work and I'm waking around like I just gave birth because my vag feels like the seventh layer of Hell. So needless to say I'm hoping for some relief very soon. Is it normal to go so long without an initial outbreak? I would greatly appreciate any and all advice that you guys have to give me! I think as soon as I get through this first outbreak, I'll start to be in better spirits, but for now, I'm feeling pretty bummed out and angry at myself for allowing this to happen.

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Hello and Welcome!


Well, the issue is that we can't tell you how long YOUR first OB will be, because it's very different for everyone. 80% never have an OB ... the other 20% have varying levels of pain and varying lengths of time/recurrences for their OB's. So for the most part you will just have to ride this out ...


It's 3:30 am here... I gotta get to bed, but here's a list of things that may help...you will have to find what works for YOU ....but the blow drier/commando suggestions help most... and take note of how we suggest you do the Epsom Salts baths in the first link....


Quick note: have you tried L-Lysine? It may help you .... some people do very well with it. ALso if it's that bad, ask your Dr for some pain killing gel like Lidocane.


I'll be back, but this will get you started:



http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/6024/dealing-with-outbreaks#latest includes links below






Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://amzn.to/1CHUzZE Link to Alum


http://amzn.to/1F10r3V Fractionated Coconut Oil

http://bit.ly/zincsoap Zinc Soap with coconut oil






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Thank you very much for all of the information! I'll definitelty get with my doctor on Monday so that I can try and get the pain relieving gel! I'm actually doing a little better today! I was able to get through my eight hour shift without experiencing a huge amount of pain, so I'd say that's a vast improvement :). I've been trying the commando and blow dryer method and that does seem to be a great tip! Also, I'm currently about to get started on Valtrex, so I'm hoping that will also be a big step in eliminating this first outbreak quickly.

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