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Recuperating from primary herpes outbreak, when can I expect to get my full steam back?

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So I started feeling sick/achy/run down about 12 days ago and my primary OB started 9 days ago. I started Valtrex the very next day and the sores healed up fairly quickly. I'm getting plenty of rest, taking vitamins and supplements, really taking it easy on myself. However, I still feel a little run down. I haven't been to the gym since this started and I want to get back to working out as soon as possible. I just don't feel quite up to it yet. Is this normal? Any thoughts on how long it might take to get back to full form? Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to respond.

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Hello and Welcome!


Unfortunately there's no way we can tell you when YOU will start to feel "normal". Herpes doesn't play by any hard and fast rules. And a lot depends on your personal health/immune function/emotional acceptance/personal response to pain/etc.


You didn't say which one you have.... but HSV1 generally settles down faster than HSV2 ... that's about all we can tell you. But if you keep your stress to a minimum and work on figuring out your triggers, the body will hopefully start to get things under control within 6 months ... but some take up to a year... and some have one OB and never have another issue ;)

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I tried to start working out after about a month. I felt pretty good afterwards and it's supposed to help boost your immune system. It's been just over 6 months post-exposure, and I still don't feel great, but I'm forcing myself to stay active. Like you, I'm taking lysine, B-complex..not sure if it's making a difference though. Just taking it one day at a time, focusing on the babysteps of progress. I'm convinced my body will eventually get this thing under control..

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@WCSDancer2010 it's GHSV1, and thanks for the info. You're awesome! I so appreciate you sharing your wisdom with us 'newbies' lol.

@2Legit2Quit thanks for the positive support.... think I'll try a walk today. I'm bummed though because I was really starting to see results from my workouts, firm muscles are nice to have and I don't wanna lose them!

@gns3224 that's good to hear that you started working out again and felt good afterwards. I think we have to do what 2Legit said and be patient while our bodies deal with this foreign invader. Let's go with the flow and trust that everything's gonna be fine. I'm glad we met and we can support each other!

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Are you taking daily suppressive therapy? When I tried to quit them, I developed chronic fatigue syndrome. I was always tired and if I did anything physical, I felt a debilitating type if fatigue and I'd sleep for like 15hrs... Maybe you need to get on meds.


Girl I was working out five days a week and lost a bunch if wrightn. Never got back into it after getting H over a yr ago and it slowly died down..now I gained all my weight back and HATE myself. Hahaha.

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@2Legit2Quit I'm still taking Valtrex, I just refilled the first 10 day prescription. When I meet the doctor next week I'm gonna see what he says, if he recommends I stay on it indefinitely. I'm sorry to hear of your debilitating fatigue and setback with working out, I know it's a bummer. Maybe it's another opportunity to love yourself unconditionally. Please don't hate yourself doll, you're too great of a person! Jeanne :)

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@2Legit2Quit I'm taking 1000 mg twice a day, morning and night. I'm only on day 11 of taking it. The dose I'm on is for the primary OB, but the dose for suppression would be lower from what I've read. It'll be interesting to hear what the doc says when I see him next week. What dosage are you taking?

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No I'm not having an OB, the sores healed up very quickly thank goodness (primary OB started on 9/1/15 and started the 2 grams the next day, sores were gone within a few days of that). I'm just still feeling run down, like I'm coming down with something. Achey, my skin is very sensitive, occasional chills, etc. I'm a little reluctant to stop taking the 2grams until I meet with the doc and discuss it more. I'm still trying to process all this....

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