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My story and how being diagnosed with HSV 1 changed how I forever look and feel about myself

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I'm new to H and this site. Am on another H forum but everyone who I tell I have constant pain, irritation, neuralgia, symptoms says H does not cause those things. I have ghsv1 and am only 9 mos. in w/No end in sight. Acyclovir did nothing. This pain on top of the mental anguish I face in regards to how this occured and I am ready to be done. I appreciate finding you guys and hope to gain anything from your experiences/insight.

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@frankie1 are you located in the states? Are you seeing a GP or GYNO? They told me the same thing and I had severe neuropathy. Don't listen to them. Do you have any underlying health issues? Autoimmune disease's, other symptoms before H that didn't feel right, eczema/psoriasis?


2...yes I am. I have constant redness and irritation at the site of infection. I dealt with RA when I was younger and have a very hyper immune system. I'm in great shape (lift, run, eat well).

Only relief I get is through gabapentin...mentally and physically beat up

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Sassy please forgive me as I'm not trying hi jack your thread. Just in similar boat. Docs continue to state H doesn't cause constant symptoms. I disagree. Mine are very real and mos. of constant pain has me completely broken. Having trouble thinking this is a harmless skin disease. For me it's been a life sentence. No joy. In a black hole.


Tried acyclovir which I feel triggered this constant prodrome. I wake up @95%. Caffeine, hot water or any friction heightens the irritation badly. Next step Valtrex I guess. Unfortunately all autoimmune drugs will do is cause H to exacerbate.

Praying for any reprieve. I've lost my self badly

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Really you tried LDN? How long had you tried it and for how long? You haven't had H long, so I'm not sure how consistent you were w LDN and if you uooed the dosage properly.


No, I said no steroids should be taken if you can avoid it, while having H. As it seems to make it come back w avengence and people have trouble controlling H, even after they've quit the steroid's. Nothing wrong w taking antivirals w autoimmune disease's that I'm aware of.


I've just found those of us w autoimmune issues current or even symptoms from the past, just have major issues w controlling H.

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I did do 1.25 for a week or so than turreted up. Maybe 6-8 weeks total. You can only get small dosage LDN at a few certain reputable pharmacies. Trust me I'm a doc myself. I know it works for some but did nothing for me. Not trying be negative just honest. I felt my mood start to dip that's about it.

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Sassy please forgive me as I'm not trying hi jack your thread. Just in similar boat. Docs continue to state H doesn't cause constant symptoms. I disagree. Mine are very real and mos. of constant pain has me completely broken. Having trouble thinking this is a harmless skin disease. For me it's been a life sentence. No joy. In a black hole.


So sorry you are suffering so much. Perhaps you should contact Westover Heights clinic. They may have some ideas for you regarding dealing with H with an Autoimmune Disease.


And you may want to look into Low Dose Naltrexone...LDN has some potential for people like yourself who have ongoing pain due to post herpatic neuralgia.





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