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Well I'm not sure how long you've had it, but I won't lie that it does take time. I'm at almost a yr n half and my perception of having it continues to change and improve. I think though, it took me about 6 months w out always thinking I was dirty. It's taken me a yr n half almost to feel like it's not a big deal, but I'm also the exception, not the rule; due to how extreme my symptoms and constant they were. You just have to be patient w yourself and be kind to yourself.


Just remember, you don't have to tell anyone you have this, unless you're going to be intimate w someone. Your friends and family don't need to know. I too went through a phase of feeling like I was lying and like I had to tell people. It was ridiculous that I had this feeling and I told more than I should having hindsight being 20/20.


Why do you think who knows would tell other's? Even if they do, most people don't do much w that information, unless very childish. It's just not a topic many wanna gossip about. If they do tell others and soneone confronts you about it, ask them why in gods name are they interested in your sex life and listening to rumor's like you're in high school. There is nothing wrong w denying it.

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If you told it to someone you care about and is suppose to care about you, but rejects you b/c of this, they don't deserve to be in your life. I found out about my H status at the beginning of this month and the told the guy I had been dating for a year. We both exchanged the L word and talked about having a future together, kids, etc. but he rejected me..by cutting me off and ignoring my attempts to reach out to him. and we haven't spoke since. I'm still coping and do have my down days where I let my thoughts get the best of me. But I agree w/ 2legit2quit, you don't need to tell everyone. And if u do decide to (b/c sometimes we just need someone to talk to), use discernment. A true friend or someone that REALLY loves/cares about you, won't reject you, but will be supportive and try to understand.

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