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Valtrex for suppression question

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So, I have just started taking V for suppression cause I am getting back in the dating world. This past weekend I had a really nice encounter with a guy that resulted in some lovely oral exchanges and I was very confident that we were all good since I had no signs and was taking V for suppression. So the next day I wake up with what sort of looks like an oral blister (I have 1 and 2), but not the usual. It looks like one a good couple of days into one. I am freaked out about this now cause I could have given this guy it through oral, but I had no clue it was there.


So, my question to the folks out there that take V for suppression and have had OB's on it. Are they different? In the absence of the sex part of it, it seems like it just went ten times faster than usual, I woke up with the sensation, then had the chafing, a little blistering and now it's almost gone - 3 days into it - unheard of in my world. This is so great in the grand scheme of things cause it means V can really speed the process and make them last 1/2 or less the time....but I also did not have a clue it was there when I had sex, so I feel I might be more vulnerable to giving it to someone.


I have had 1 my whole life and am really in tune when they are coming on, so this was pretty odd.

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I have found when I go longer periods of time w no kissing and oral, which is more vigorous; I would get an OB the next day inside my mouth (I'm one of those anomalies w oral HSV 1, who doesn't get "cold sores" on the outside of their mouths). When I'm consistently having sex in a relationship, it stops happening, because my skin gets used to the frequency. . Just because you woke w something the next morning, means nothing. Most worry of this and nothing comes of it. The microscopic trauma from oral is likely what caused it, which it would take time for the virus to travel to the surface and start shedding, ENOUGH viral load to be infectious. Stop worrying, he has this risk of 1 out of 2 females w oral herpes. Just because you woke hrs later w something on your lip, doesn't mean it was there during the act.

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Thank you @2Legit2Quit. I am going to give it my best shot at not worrying, but it is not easy. Your post helps!


I am curious though since I have never taken V for an oral OB, does it really significantly reduce the time it is painful? I have 1 and 2 and never get the 2 sores, but still get the 1 sores maybe twice a year, my daughter also has it and if V is really that effective in reducing he time to resolution, I want to get her a scrip to it!

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