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Bumpy johnson

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Noticed a few years ago I was getting these bumps on mr.johnson and i havent consulted a doctor. What kind of doctor do I seek? Obviously this is not going to go away on its own. I've googled what I've seen on Mr.Johnson and it would be warts. Can someone please help me so I know where to begin. I dont have any insurence. Is there places out there that can help me diagnose this first before i just start thinking it something its not. But Im sure its herpes just not sure what type and how this will effect me. Please help! Sorry if this post sounds like a joke but i have no otherway to explain this.

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Yes, you can go to planned parenthood. They will work out what you can afford and payment plans.


Are you saying you have bumps for yrs that never go away? If not, that is not herpes my man. You went from warts to herpes. Why do you assume it is either one? If anything , it's more likely to be warts than H, based on your minimal description.

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