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Preventing/Treating A Scar From Herpes

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About a month ago, I had an intense OB on my backside. This was caused by stress at work, and I probably waited too long to start my meds again and treat it. I kept hoping it would itch for a little while, then go away... like all my other OBs (with the exception of the first, which took more attention). It had turned into one very large scab, similar to shingles, and has now left a red mark where it was.


Fortunately, there isn't any more pain, and the scab has healed. The bad news is, it's been a little over a month, and the healing has seemed to stop.


Anyone have advice on how to keep the healing process going? I think it's too far along for a bandage and antibiotic ointment to do the trick, although I'm trying that just in case.


Thank you for your help!!!

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It took me time after my primary where I had ulcers, for the skin not to look redder there. It's only been a month and if it's red, then it's not a scar yet, it's collagen being stimulated there and still going through the healing process. Keeping the area hydrated and using vitamin E and A should help.

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I am in the processes of healing right now, in my ass area lol. might as well laugh about it. so i look in the mirror and all the probably infected skin is now a brown color, is that like a scab? or is it from all the tea tree oil and baking soda i have been putting on to dry the sores out? how long will these "scabs" be there? so now that they are healing should i put vitamin E on the area to make the brown scabs go away?

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