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Has anyone stopped suppressive therapy?

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I have stopped twice... The first time 6 months after my primary, didn't work out so well. I stopped again a month ago and I'm probably breaking out as much or a tad less than when I was on it. I'd say I had slightly more paresthesia and itching off it. I had no itching really on it... Everyone's body is different and how ones body does, can't give you any insight on how yours will be. You'll just have to do trial and error.

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Oh .. Cause they are consistent in the same spot. I also may have itching or tingling. Trust me, I know my body w H at this point and I'm someone who is constantly w symptoms, because of my autoimmune diseases. I almost always have the redness in my groin crease and it goes back and forth between sides... It's called down there a lot and doesn't last as long or doesn't get as angry red now...


The bumps stukc around longer as well and if you literally just rub lightly over there for several seconds, it increases w size.. They also scab at some point, even when not picked at. That's how I know. The one almost in my crack, middle way down my cheek, w some fancy moves, a flash light and a hand held mirror, I could see that was one a blister. That spot is pretty consistent and can get itchy there.

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Oh ok, I get spots on my bum sometimes, but I'm pretty sure they are just spots. My partner knows I have h, but I'm panicking about the first time I have to tell him I have symptoms. I told him I don't get them, which generally is true, I take suppressive therapy. But I know the time will come. But I don't really know how I'll have to approach it. Im wondering if I really need to in the beginning part of the relationship. He knows I have it, he knows I have meds. I could just avoid sex if/when it happens. Going into the detail of when I have symptoms seems a bit personal.

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You do what's right for you. If you're too embarrassed about telling him and need to refrain from sex, just make it all about him and say you want to take care of him.


Candles. Full body massage. Erotic touching and finish him w your mouth! Lol... That or you can just say, I'd feel more comfortable and to be on the safe side and refrain right now. If he asks, just say you felt prodrome and just want to be sure.

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