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Dr. Kelly Martin Schuh's Excellent Book

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I found the book "Live, Love and Thrive With Herpes" by Dr. Kelly Martin Schuh on Amazon recently.

Dr. Schuh is a naturopathic doctor who has lived with H for many years, and the book focuses on holistic approaches to management and treatment of herpes. Although it is geared towards women, I don't see any reason why men would not benefit from the advice and guidance of this book. Dr. Schuh addresses both physical and emotional healing and management of H, through nutritional advice, meditations and affirmations, and resources for living your best life despite H. It is a very inspiring book, and has provided a great source of useful information, in combination with the wonderful support and advice of this forum. Dr. Schuh's book is a key tool for me as I have moved towards acceptance of my H. I highly recommend it.

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