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Having trouble being diagnosed! Help!

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I want to start by saying that I have learned a lot from this forum and want to thank everyone that is a part of it.


So here is my story...... On Jan 6th I had a sexual encounter with a girl I had just met with no sex due to not having a condom. We pretty much did everything but have sex (kissing, touching and oral). About a week later I felt a burning sensation in my inner thighs when I was laying down or sitting for a long time, I also had flu like symptoms. I panicked so I went to get std tested on Jan 15th and everything came back negative so I thought I was in the clear. the itching continued so I shaved my whole boxer area to make sure I didn't have anything but did noticed I had jock itch on both sides of my groin area. I started to apply anitifungal cream for the next couple of days and I felt relieved cause I thought it was just jock itch. About a week later on 1/24 I went in to see my doctor because I had these little pimple like bumps on my tecticles thinking it was herpes. The doctor said I had nothing to worry about because the bumps are normal fulicillitus. The doctor told me that I should have lesions/sores if I was having symptoms and was recently exposed. He said I lucked out and if I didn't get anything by the end of the month I did not contract anything. The same night I started getting an itch on my buttocks and a burning feeling and the more I read about H the more I learned it can happen anywhere in the boxer area. I tried my best to look in the mirrior and I did see some irritation but it didn't bother me that much. On Jan 30th I decided to take blood test and I only came back with HSV 1 which I knew It would because if you don't have the 1 is because you are probably a baby or still very young. Since it was only about a month after I realized it was too soon. So a couple week goes by and I could still feel the itch a burn in my behind area off and on. At this point I am convinced I have it! Also feeling very confused on how it got in my behind! I remember her touching my butt when I got on top of her to use her breast to ejaculate me. We didn't even really have genital to genital contact at all, this is why I am so confused. So here is when it starts getting more scary and complicated! I feel an itch and burn on the corner of my L eye (I wear contacts) I could see an irritation. I immediately go get my eye checked on 2/24 and my optometrist said he didn't see anything wrong but to keep an eye on it. I left for vacation that day feeling a little more relieved. But I think the stressed caused an OB cause later that day I had more of the tingling and burning sentation. I went to an urgent care cause I finally wanted to get diagnosed and some medication. The doctor said he could see irritation but it didn't look like herpes he checked my entire boxer area. I told him if he could swab the skin and I asked to be tested again for all stds since I felt I tested too soon. Everything came back negative including the swab. The herpes test was the "Herpes 1 & 2 antibody with rfxl igG" and the results was positive for HSV1 with a value of 56.60 and negative for HSV 2 with a value of 0.17. When I got back from vacation on 3/1 I noticed I had some red spots on my head of my penis that did not look normal so I went to the doctor again hoping he can finally tell me I had H or something! I was disappointed because he checked my penis and my behind and said it did not look like H. So here are my questions:


1. Is 7 weeks enough time to create antibodies with an igG test?

2. What are my chances I have HSV 2 or 1 genital

3. If I feel the itch, burn and there is a rash with irritation and little dots why are the docs not considering that it's possible H?

4. What should I do? Get tested again to see if I test positive for HSV2?


I seen a total of 3 doctors and they all said no to H but they don't know what I am feeling! If it's HSV1 idk how I am going to get diagnosed or medication because all the doctors I seen don't think it's H. I am still worried about my eyes as well please help!

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Hello and Welcome:


Well, you say the first STD test was negative for everything, but the second you came up positive for HSV1? That would indicate that you got HSV1 from oral sex.... 50% of all new cases of Genital Herpes are HSV1 from oral sex.


If you didn't have genital contact, you won't have HSV2.


7 weeks is early for an IgG ... but not impossible for it to show up. We usually recommend waiting 4 months for a conclusive IgG


What kind of Dr's are you going to? If they are regular GP's or Clinic Dr's, they are likely not well informed. Being a guy, my best suggestion is to to Planned Parenthood. GP's and the like are often terribly poorly informed. So next "OB", go to PP and see if you can get a swab done.


If you have not had this kind of "rash" until right after your encounter, I'd say the odds are you got HSV1 from the oral sex. If you have had similar rashes, then it may well be that.... but as you said, most people have HSV1 so a blood test doesn't tell you where you have it..... so unless you have an old STD test that shows you were HSV1-, a blood test with that now sadly can't tell you if you have it orally or genitally ...


As for the eyes, if you think you are having an OB there, go to an Optometrist. They know how to swab that area..... but generally odds are low that you will get it there. It's mostly kids who pick their oral sores and then poke their eyes.... with normal hygiene, you should be fine.







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@wcsdancer2010 the first std test did not include HSV. I realized it wasn't included so I went to get tested at 3.5 weeks and I came up positive for HSV 1. Then I got tested again at 7 weeks because the doctor told me it didn't look like H and all he could do is swab and retest. I agree that pcp docs are not aware because he told me it would have come up on my first test after only being about a month! Do you think my values for HSV-1 are high? Does that matter? Is almost 2 months after still not long enough to show antibodies? I don't want HSV at all but I think type does matter because the ob frequencies and 2 sheds more and it's easier to pass from having sex.

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