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Question about hsv-1

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If anyone can answer this it would be a great help but i have hsv-1 on my genitals and my concern is that if i already have it on my genitals can i get it on my mouth too? My last relationship he knew i had hsv-1 and he still stayed with me but we had some intimacy issues. Sometimes we would have intercourse(unprotected) but then he would be soft and i would give him oral so could i get hsv-1 on my mouth through that?

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Spreading herpes from one part of the body to another is what's called "autoinoculation" and it's harder to do once an infection has already been established on one part of the body, in your case on your genitals. But since HSV-1 does prefer the oral region, there's a chance it can spread, but only if you touch an active outbreak on your genitals, then touch your lips that happen to have an opening (like chapped lips for example). So try to not touch an active outbreak and if you do, just wash with soap (which kills the virus).


Here's a great discussion I had with one of the top docs on herpes that goes over a lot of the frequently asked questions:


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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