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Atypical genital herpes?

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I have had HSV-1 since I was a child, and about 10 years ago developed herpetic whitlow on my hand. Then, about 3 years ago the genital sores started, around the vulvar area and at the top of my buttocks.


Now - 5 months ago (October) I had a sore on my vagina and did not look after it. I was stressed, I had suffered a badly fractured talus (ankle) with two corrective surgeries and was just starting to walk again - I was sad, confused about my life and anxious. One night when the sore was really irritating me I scratched it off - and it was the most stupid thing I have ever done. In the morning, one side of my vulva had swollen and I had a generalised itching sensation. It developed into full-blown, generalised erythema and intense tingling and itching across the entire vulval area... I could not put my feet together when standing, it was so swollen.


It lasted a horrific 1-2 weeks and then crusted over - in total it lasted about 4 weeks. Afterwards I felt fine and the vulval area felt normal again. Then, a few weeks later it began again (November) - generalised erythema, itching, tingling, swelling on the one side, then crusting over. It was less severe than the first, but lasted longer - about 6 weeks.


After this episode, my vulva has not felt the same since. There has been a constant crawling sensation underneath the skin which is very disturbing, and occasional tingles and itches in different places. Now (March) I'm suffering from my third big "outbreak" in 5 months, but it feels as if it's been on the verge of re-surfacing since December. I had a blood test and it came back positive for HSV-1 and HSV-2, but I'm concerned about my 'atypical' symptoms - there are no obvious sores, just intense itching and erythema, which is more pronounced in the region of the first sore back in October.


Is it likely that I made the whole thing a lot worse by scratching the sore in October, and that it's just turned into a massive herpes infection on the vulva? Or might it be a fungal infection, shingles, or even something other than this? I have no strange or funny-smelling discharge. I'm confused by the crawling sensation and the fact that the symptoms have lasted so long.


I'm very disturbed by the whole thing and in constant pain and distress - any help would be much appreciated.


Thank you!

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Well, we are not Dr's here - you may want to get to a Rheumatologist to see if you have set off an autoimmune issue when you were dealing with the broken ankle. It sounds like you have had HSV2 for awhile so scratching it normally shouldn't have set you off... but you may have got an infection in the lymph glands.... so I'd get it looked at.


Have you been to a Dr for it at all yet?

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