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Confused by test results

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So I got the test results back from the clinic, and the swab test came back negative. I also tested for everything- syphillis, gonnorhea, Chlamydia, HIV, hepatitis, all those came back negative as well. The only thing that came back positive was yeast- which yes I had a yeast infection at the same time but unlike any yeast infection I've ever had so I know it wasn't just that.

Problem is, now the sores are healed, so I can't really do any other tests. They're basically saying well come back and test again if it happens again.

I know I can do the blood test, but I'm pretty sure it will come back positive for hsv1 which doesn't tell me much, since I've had cold sores before. Are there any other tests you can do or do you pretty much have to be breaking out? Has this happened to you?

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Hi Roro,


You can get the blood test which might show you that you have HSV-2, which would mean it's most likely (98% likely) that you have genital herpes. But you're right: If the blood test comes back positive for HSV-1, the test doesn't tell you the location of the infection. The thing about blood tests, too, is that you have to wait at least 16 weeks from time of infection for the antibodies to build to detectable levels. So after all that, ultimately, yes, swabbing is the most reliable way to get a type-specific and location-specific result.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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