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Herpes and waxing

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I have an embarrassing question... Since I got my diagnosis, there is this issue lingering in my mind. Since my outbreaks occur on the outer parts of my vagina with pubic hair, I have no idea how to wax. Personally, I have shaving. It irritates my skin and honestly, doesn't do much good for me. I want to get a bikini wax but I am terrified of the idea that passing it onto someone since the wax is melted in a common pot. Also, the nurse told me that sharing wet towels might be a medium of transmission, I figured a hot wax pot might cause the virus to live just enough to pass on others. So my question is how do I wax? Is going to a spa or beauty salon an option? Sorry for the wierd question.


I hate this. I hate that now I have to recalculate every aspect of my life because of my diagnosis. Can I swim in a pool? Can I play with my 1 year old nephew in the sea? Can I share a towel with my sister? Can I wash my underwear with sister's clothes? OBs are bad enough and this is not helping.

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You can certainly get a wax. For one thing the pot should be cleaned between waxing but the heat would kill Herpes anyway. I would tell them you carry the virus and don't go when you have an OB.


For *some* the waxing may cause an OB. If you find that happens, get some antivirals to keep on hand and take a dose or two before you get waxed. That can often be enough to stop the OB.


Yes you can swim in a pool. That's why they put chlorine in them... to kill virus and bacteria :)


Yes you can play with your nephew in the sea...


Yes you can share towels (I just would be careful if you are having an outbreak, and of course you wouldn't want to share a towel that you had rubbed all over your vajayjay anyway, now would you?


Yes you can wash your clothes with your sisters clothes. Remember soap? That's why we use it... to kill germs! Besides, odds are you wouldn't have enough virus on your underwear that would be live that would transfer anyway.


You are WAAAAAAAAAYYYY overthinking this. Herpes spreads by direct, skin to skin contact. If it spread as easy as you fear (in the ways you described above) EVERYONE would have it! 80% of the population has it and doesn't know it (orally, but that can spread to the genitals with oral sex) ...


Over time this won't be a big deal for you. You really don't have to change much of what you do. Just be more careful when you are having SEX ... the rest of your life will carry on as normal as far as concern about transmission. :)


Have a read of my blog here about this subject :)





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