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Confused and alone

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I recently got some blood work done, my primary doctor was checking because of recent weight gain and I requested a full panel. I got a call with news that the herpes virus 2 was positive at 2.9. I am freaking out because I have zero symptoms, never even had a pimple near my genitals or anything abnormal. My mother has herpes 1 because of her frequent cold sores but I never even had a cold soar. I always use condoms and my obgyn said I may never have symptoms. Can it be a false positive? I also would like to do the western blot test. Has anyone heard of the test and where to get it done? I'm just confused and young, I don't understand how this is happening with zero symptoms.

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2.9 is a low positive, I'd ask to be tested again but wait 4 weeks, especially if it's a recent infection

I am Hsv1 and 2 positive....never had a cold sore, and symptoms for 2 so mild they could and were mistaken for other things....you can't always go by symptoms

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