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Education... Preventive measures?

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So, wasn't quite sure what to label this under.


I considered myself to be pretty informed when it came to STDs or STIs, I think that's the new way of saying it.

I realized being a gay man and as amped up and sexually crazed gay men can be. In the gay community there is a BIG emphasis on HIV prevention. You see it everywhere. But nothing really educational about the other forms of STIs. Just slap on the bad piece of a love glove and smell the rubber burn.


When I was told I had hsv2... I was almost confused on what they meant and what that meant for me. Because I did know that the cold sores people get are because of herpes. I vague knew that it could be transmitted orally to genitals, but I guess I didn't give it to much thought ( that and I am a 100% air head. Part of the space cadet club.)


I am wondering if there is less of a concern for it via HIV status or HPV. I know theirs still stigmas attached to it, but really there are stigmas for just about everything. Even those positive stereotypes for good people and how they couldn't be this or that way. (You all know what it means to assume,yes?)

One friend of mine said he wasn't concerned about HIV and worried more about herpes. And not to compare misery, but I think he was misinformed on the complications of what herpes is compared to HIV


So what exactly is herpes? Cause it seems like it's not limited to those cluster of blusters that you can google and actually seems like it can be less than that or far from it.

And as far as stigmas for HIV being number one and herpes being number 2 anyone know why only HIV is more advertised? Is it because herpes is a common and easily treatable?


Ok ok. I can be a bit of a chatty Kathy.i tried to stay on one topic.



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I think your friend is confused, I'd take herpes over HIV any day. But frankly, a lot of people fear herpes because when they are taught about it or hear about it, it's made out to be worse than it is.


H varies. What it is for one person is something else for another. For me, I don't notice it. If I have outbreaks anymore, I don't feel/see them. On the other hand, we have people with nerve pain and frequent outbreaks. The longer you have it, the less symptoms you have (that's my experience with it).


Why is HIV more advertised? Probably because HIV eventually destroys your immune system and we can't survive without that. I haven't personally researched HIV as much as H, but I know they have made great strides with treatment. Before HIV=AIDS and no one wants that. Now with the treatments they have, people are living a lot longer. It's not as scary, but I sure wouldn't want to risk it.


I hope that helped somewhat. I'm sure someone will have better answers soon.

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