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HSV1 positive so confused.

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I had a genital outbreak that is just now clearing up. It's the first time something like this has happened so i got tested and was told I was HSV1 positive. She said i had gotten it from oral sex and I really didn't have anything to worry about. So after this clears up completely I don't have to worry about giving it to anyone? Will I have another random outbreak or would oral sex have to be involved. The reason why im confused is because I haven't had oral sex in forever. I don't like the way it feels so it's not something I do often. I've been with my current SO for over two years and he's never had a cold sore. And he hasn't gone down on me in a long time. So how could I have gotten an outbreak? Ive also never had a cold sore. I'm just so confused!

  • 5 months later...

@Edt720 Genital-to-genital transmission of HSV1 can occur, yes, but the risk is very low. It's my understanding that studies are underway but specific stats are not yet available. One clinician (Terri Warren) who specializes in HSV said it is not unreasonable to guess that transmission rates would align with shedding rates. Genital HSV1 typically sheds 1/3 as often as genital HSV2. Oral HSV1 typically sheds 1/2 as often as genital HSV2. This is why it is believed to be more likely to contract GHSV1 through oral sex than genital-genital sex, because the virus sheds more frequently from the mouth than from the genitals. During an active outbreak, the risk of transmission is high, but people with GHSV1 tend to have less frequent outbreaks than people with oral HSV1 or people with genital HSV2.

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