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Hi all,


After having done some research online I have found that L-Lysine seems to be one of the more natural recommended 'remedies' claimed to surpress the virus.


I have started taking one 1000mg tablet a day along with vitamin B12, Vitamin D3 and a probiotic also. What I wanted to ask, with regards to the L-Lysine is this: given that I have only just been diagnosed with HSV2 and only had my first outbreak should I not take the L-Lysine and wait to see whether my body has another OB and then take the L-Lysine to treat it or do I keep taking it as a preventitive despite the fact that I am now no longer sexually active and may actually not have further outbreaks naturally? Is the L-Lysine only meant to be taken to control the OB or to be taken forever as a means to supress the virus? I would appreciate it if someone could clarify this for me as I don't want to be taking anything unless I really have to. I know that I have to build up my immune system (hence the other tablets I'm taking) but should the L-Lysine be taken in my situation and at this early point?




There haven't been any definitive studies proving the effectiveness of lysine, but there are also plenty of people who swear by it and claim it has a positive effect. And people do take it suppressively and episodically. But it is best to see how your body handles it naturally. Especially after a year or two of having herpes. Because our immune systems tend to keep getting better and better at handling the virus and naturally suppressing it.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Thanks Adrial, so would I be right in thinking that I should stop taking th Lysine and let my body build up its own immunity with the aid of the other tablets I'm taking and see whether I have another OB and if I do, then start taking the Lysine to supress it ?



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