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HSV2 symptoms PLS HELP all comments and information is appreciated!

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So i believe recently I been exposed to genital herpes, its been about 2 weeks already no outbreak yet, but after exposure 4 days later i got sick with flu-like symptoms fever,headache,fatigue,nausea,stiff neck,and i got these yellow sores on my uvula the part of the throat that hangs not tonsils, went to the doc didnt have strep prescibed me penicillin which is actually helping it alot now,I have some nerve pain in both my calfs and on one hand,my low grade fever and diarrhea is still going on day 10 now, im just wondering when would the outbreak occur? after im not sick anymore? did anybody have these symptoms? any help would help thanks!


I would think that the outbreak would happen in the midst of all your symptoms because your immune system is busy battling what is going on, and weaker for that. Penicillin would not help with herpes, so if your symptoms are getting better, odds are that's not it.


It sounds to me like you are just sick. I would just focus on getting well. If you are still worried about your status, by all means get tested.

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