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Decision making on whether to stay or go?

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I can tell my partner is completely on the fence about whether or not he loves me enough to stay or should he just high tail it and run from the word: Herpes. I'm curious, is there nay thought process or ideas I could give him to help him with this decision, I know I'm worth it. Just wish he can see it, on a pro & cons list my only real con is herpes. This is dreadful and disheartning


@Rayofsunshine While some people factor in how much they love a partner, some do not, and many other factors are often considered.


If your partner has already been educated about transmission risk and prevalence of herpes and he is still uncertain, IMHO, one other meaningful thing you can do is show him by example that this does not diminish your value as a partner or limit you in your life. This means accepting your own diagnosis, putting it in perspective (you may already have done this), and being willing to walk away with the confidence that you will be just fine and will be accepted by others in the future who have no such reservations.

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