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False Positives Happened to Me...

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So I was diagnosed about 12 years ago as positive with an IGG blood test. Ten years later, I got tested again and to my surprise, it was negative! I retested just to make sure and it was negative again! So I figured the first time might have been a false positive. However, I read this article about being misdiagnosed (https://thehairpin.com/how-i-found-out-i-didnt-have-the-herpes-i-d-been-living-with-for-four-years-5a30c2ac9efc) and there was a line that struck me:


"“Sometimes the antibodies for herpes just go away, and blood tests can no longer detect them,” she [the gynecologist] told me as she closed my file."


I know that once you have it, the antibodies don't go away. However, is possible that antibodies can go so low because you don't have an active infection that it becomes undetectable?

  • 3 weeks later...

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