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Weird question

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Ok so not totally related but it's related to my vagina and my vagina is related to herpes and I like you guys, so here it goes. I started birth control at 17 (now 22) and I remember noticing an off smell at 17-18 and contracted herpes that year and have been consistently dealing with bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections quite frequently since I started birth control. Even before herpes. And I don't have another std (been tested) so guys IM JUST NOT UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY VAGINA. Does anyone have similar issues or tips? I've been on antibiotics a few times (metro something orally) and it hasn't worked for more than my treatment lasted and I'm a little nervous to try some of the treatments that are more like home remedies bc I don't wanna irritate the beast (herpes) lol

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It's all about balance. I've found with me personally, I only ever have yeast infections when I'm taking a course of antibiotics but I know a few friends who get them all the time and pretty much the only way they can combat them is with diet. Low sugar or no sugar is best. Whenever I have to take antibiotics I eat a small tub of natural yoghurt everyday - all natural Greek yoghurt with no added sugar is important and will mean I don't get any sort of infection. Also make sure you're not using any harsh soaps down there or any soap at all actually. Soap free body washes that you can purchase from the chemist are a good option. Those two suggestions really shouldn't result in a higher likelihood of a herpes breakout or anything like that.

I think often birth control can really throw things off as well so if the problem persists after some lifestyle changes then you should definitely look into changing pills or going off bc completely if that's an option for you.

Hope things start getting better! X

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@kca254 thank you! I actually just quit taking my pills bc I switched after years and it made me feel really gross so I'm hoping that helps. I never realized just how much bc throws everything off until it hit me like a week ago. The one I deal with more is bv :( @Neewbiehsv1g how are you using boric acid? I read it's bad for you orally? And if I insert it can my partner get sick if he goes down on me? How much is tea tree soap? Thanks guys!

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I deal with this problem as well but I normally used clindamycin vaginal cream for like 3 or 5 days and I normally see results after the first night. this helps with the BV and I normally can go 6-7 months without another treatment I use to take the pills but they made me gag so I stop taking them and this has been what works for me.

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