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New and need my questions answered! Help please!

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I recently just got diagnosed with genital herpes and I'm so confused and lost. There is so many places saying so many different things I didn't know if maybe some of you could answer some of my questions.


I'm currently in a relationship with a man that has been super great and supportive through this whole thing and I'm very thankful for that. I just need some questions answered. I just turned 21 so I feel like a little horrified that I got it.


1. Can I ever have unprotected (I.e. no condom) sex again? Or will I have to use a condom forever?

2. My partner still needs to be tested but if he also has it and we have unprotected sex does it matter because we already have it or will it make it more common for outbreaks?

3. What do you ladies do while at work to help the pain of and outbreak? (I'm a vet tech so I need to be presentable and also be able to wrestle anaimals around.)

4. How do I know which one of us had it first? (If he is also diagnosed with it ) or is there a way to know that?

5. Ladies, how do you not feel less then your worth and how do you not feel like a gross person.


1) you need to get an igg test to see if you have 1 or 2. Either way, it's up to you and your partners if you have unprotected sex.


2) as long as you have the same type, no


4) if you both get iggs right now and only one of you is positive and the other turns positive later then chances are very very high it came from the first person, provided the second person has been faithful.

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