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Primary Outbreak 3 months after sexual encouter

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Hello, I am a woman that is very conscious of my health and body. Although I am overweight, I work out and eat healthy so I know when something is off with my body. After each sexual encounter, I go for testing. I am 25 and been with only 5 men and 2 were unprotected. With all the testing I had, I never thought to be tested for herpes. I always thought that if I did not get any bumps or seen any bumps upon examining the penis then there is no way the person is able to spread herpes. Oh, how wrong I was. From research, this virus is very common and can be spread without lesions or symptoms. I discussed this with my Dr and he said he does not see any reason for me to be positive for herpes. I know I may have herpes 1 and never experienced an outbreak bc it's common in my family. I am just unaware if I have HSV2. Being that I slept with 5 men, I know I came in contact with herpes. According to the CDC usually symptoms occur 2 to 20 days after sexual encounter that is infected. I never experienced any and it's been 3 months since my last unprotected encounter that Gabe me and his girlfriend Trich. Shortly after being cured from trich I developed a pain in my pelvic region above my vagina that went to my back. I knew these symptoms very well. The ER doctor confirmed my thoughts and diagnosed me with a UTI. I am now skeptical that maybe I was experiencing Herpes symptoms because most people complain about lower abdomen pain and lower back pain.

I recently talked about this to the gf of my last sexual encounter and she told me she and him tested for everything but herpes

. She explained she never experienced symptoms nor is he. I know that I can not rely on what others say. I decided to go get a test but most testing sites will not test me because I have no symptoms and they feel like I would have been shown signs. I read about the IGg blood test and will be going to labcorp to find out. My Dr still thinks it's unnecessary and costly given my sexual history. I still would like to know. Recently, I have been experiencing tingling and or this slight pain on my vagina lips. I have no sensation in my vagina nor around. Just in that one area. As of now, I am waiting to go to labcorp and also hanging tight to see if an outbreak would come along


Any advice on what should I do. Sorry for the long story

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Everyone is a little different. I have no recollection of a primarily outbreak and was diagnosed two decades after acquiring it and had no idea all that time. I thought I was just cursed with a lot of yeast infections. It is possible to have it for a long time and then have an outbreak out of nowhere, as others have described on these forums. That said, there are a LOT of things which will cause various symptoms with our genitals. It's easy to jump to the herpes conclusion once you learn how prevalent it is. Just take it one day at a time and get tested if you're concerned. Otherwise you'll drive yourself insane wondering!

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I was diagnosed by IgG blood test two months after the most recent sexual encounter and could have been infected up to six months prior to that. My doctor told me that I could be asymptomatic and never have an outbreak or it could be so mild I hadn't noticed. You should definitely get tested by blood test just to put your mind at ease.

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Hey TC and welcome! It took over 6 months before I got my first outbreak after being exposed. It's different for everyone. I'm right there with HG for you to get a blood test from a doc who understands the importance of knowing your status.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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